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2023-04-24 02:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

在体重和相貌方面,出版商直接删掉了“胖”“丑”一类的字眼。《 蠢特夫妇》中的蠢特太太不再是“丑陋且令人厌恶的(ugly and beastly)”,而只是“令人厌恶的(beastly)”。



《好心眼儿巨人》中多个“黑色”的表述由“black”改为了“dark”,或直接被删除;女王的女仆玛丽现在看起来“像雕像一样一动不动”,而不是面色“像床单一样白 (white as a sheet)”。

《女巫》原著中,邪恶的女巫会伪装“超市收银员”或“为商人打字”的普通女性,但在新版中摇身一变成了“顶级科学家或企业经营者(top scientist or running a business)”。“你一定是疯了,女人!”也被改成了“你一定是失去理智了!”

In the new edition of The Witches , a supernatural female posing as an ordinary woman may be working as a “top scientist or running a business” instead of as a “cashier in a supermarket or typing letters for a businessman.”

In the new edition of The Witches , a supernatural female posing as an ordinary woman may be working as a “top scientist or running a business” instead of as a “cashier in a supermarket or typing letters for a businessman.”

《女巫》中删改前后对比 图源:环球网

罗尔德·达尔1916年出生于英国,他的代表作有《查理和巧克力工厂》( Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ) 《女巫》( The Witches ) 《好心眼儿巨人》( The Big Friendly Giant ) 和《了不起的狐狸爸爸》。 但达尔也曾因种族主义和反犹太主义言论引发争议。

Dahl died in 1990 at the age of 74. His books, which have sold more than 300 million copies, have been translated into more than 60 languages and continue to be read by children around the world. But he is also a controversial figure because of antisemiticcomments made throughout his life.


Dahl died in 1990 at the age of 74. His books, which have sold more than 300 million copies, have been translated into more than 60 languages and continue to be read by children around the world. But he is also a controversial figure because of antisemiticcomments made throughout his life.


罗尔德·达尔 资料图

管理达尔版权和商标的罗尔德·达尔故事公司(Roald Dahl Story Company)表示,该公司和海雀书屋合作审查了达尔的作品,确保“所有孩子今天仍能享受他精彩的故事和笔下的人物”。

The Roald Dahl Story Company, which controls the rights to the books, said it worked with Puffin to review the texts because it wanted to ensure that “Dahl’s wonderful stories and characters continue to be enjoyed by all children today.”

The Roald Dahl Story Company, which controls the rights to the books, said it worked with Puffin to review the texts because it wanted to ensure that “Dahl’s wonderful stories and characters continue to be enjoyed by all children today.”

由海雀书屋出版的新书版权页上的字样 来源:推特


Even British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has now waded into the Dahl controversy, speaking out against the move to update the books.

Even British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has now waded into the Dahl controversy, speaking out against the move to update the books.


在新闻发布会上,苏纳克的发言人引用了达尔作品中的话:“当谈到我们丰富多样的文学遗产时,首相认同《好心眼儿巨人》里的观点,不应该‘玩弄文字’。” 发言人补充说,“重要的是保护而非修饰文学和小说作品。”

When asked at a press briefing on Monday whether it is right to censor children's books, Sunak's spokesperson employed Dahl's own terminology, saying: "When it comes to our rich and varied literary heritage, the Prime Minister agrees with the BFG that you shouldn't 'gobblefunk around with words.' I t's important that works of literature and fiction are preserved and not airbrushed."

gobblefunk around with words:玩弄文字

When asked at a press briefing on Monday whether it is right to censor children's books, Sunak's spokesperson employed Dahl's own terminology, saying: "When it comes to our rich and varied literary heritage, the Prime Minister agrees with the BFG that you shouldn't 'gobblefunk around with words.' I t's important that works of literature and fiction are preserved and not airbrushed."

gobblefunk around with words:玩弄文字


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